
Dedicate yourselves to thankfulness. Colossians 3:15

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

'Humanae Vitae' sign of troubled times

"Thomas Stransky, an official of Rome's Secretariat for Christian Unity, suggests that the church is suffering from a "silent schism" of rebels who are remaining Catholic in name but are "hanging loose" from the institutional church." -- Time Cover Story, "Catholic Freedom v. Authority," November 22, 1968

Wow. Amazing.

To get more color and gain greater understanding of the torrential times surrounding issuance of "Humanae Vitae," take a read through the Time cover story from November 22, 1968.
And here are words from the culprit who started it all -- Charles E. Curran in his book Loyal Dissent, published 2006. (No wonder Catholic University had such a notorious reputation. Thankfully, today, CUA is a papal flagship in America.) Looks as if then-Rev. Curran was an adviser at Vatican II and let his pride override the purpose of his service to our Church. Curran was "let go" from CUA in 1986. Since some time after that, he has taught at Southern Methodist University.

While Curran makes himself out to be brave and righteous in his (misguided) dissent, there is no denying that the true conscienable objector and hero in this saga is now-Cardinal Stafford, who held to the truth through the firestorm of hatred, distortion, manipulation and coersion.

Let's offer a prayer of thanks in this moment for the courage of Pope Paul VI and for all those of his time and ours whose values and virtues lead them to discern, accept and act in God's truth.

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